
Happy 1st Birthday, Keira!

I know I said it with Dylan, but I can't believe how quickly a year has gone. Keira has brought so much happiness and laughter to our family, and our lives would not be the same without her. This month we celebrated her 1st birthday at Gymboree. After she turned 1 we took the bottle away and she is doing awesome without it. I was worried she wouldn't adapt very well, but she's eating anything and everything and is using a cup with straw. She is also walking everywhere and loves climbing stairs (especially trying to sneak up them by herself when she thinks no one is watching). She has started to attach herself to Keith and I, so it takes her a while to warm up to people she doesn't see on a daily basis. She also thinks everything is a phone and likes talking on them, and loves stealing everyone's iPhones and iPads from them. She is babbling more, but still isn't using any real words besides "mama" and "more". Keira loves playing with Dylan and wrestling him to the ground, which he doesn't always love. She can also point to things using 1 finger and likes to feed everyone. She is such a happy baby, but when she's told "no" or doesn't get what she wants (or doesn't get it right away), she can have some major tantrums...should be fun in 12 more years! Keira likes looking at books and stacking blocks. We're so excited to see what the next year brings us!

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