
2 months!

I guess the trend seems to be that I update every month! Dylan is almost 2 months old and is looking bigger everyday! 2 weeks ago he had the honor of being baptized at St. Ann’s Catholic Parish in Coppell. Uncle Joey served as Godfather and Aunt Stacey served as Godmother. He did such a great job during the ceremony and at lunch afterward. Keith and I are getting braver and starting to take Dylan out with us more to stores and restaurants. He still gets fussy after a while, but he’s getting better!

Dylan had his 2-month doctors appointment this week and everything is looking great! He weighed 12 lbs, 13 oz and measured in at 23 3/8 inches...he’s a growing boy. Dr. Coco also suggested we start putting him to sleep in his crib upstairs (which we were going to start trying this week anyway) so it could help him sleep through the night. Tuesday was the first night he tried it and he luckily went down with no troubles and slept 6 hours until 3:30am!!! After we fed him he went back to sleep and didn’t wake up until 7am, it was awesome! We’re so proud of Dylan and this huge milestone! He is also starting to be very verbal and cooing like crazy. Every “oo” and “ah” that comes out of his mouth makes mommy very happy. The only thing better than that are his smiles. Dylan is also starting to smile at us during playtime and each one just melts our hearts.

This week I started taking Dylan to Gymboree for Play and Learn class and we had a lot of fun. In this class (0-6 months) they focus a lot on tactile stimulation and tummy time. He really seemed to like the massages and feathers plus all the bright colors. The class was 45 minutes long and the instructor was so surprised how well he tolerated it for a 2-month old. He definitely wasn’t as fussy as I thought he would be. She was also surprised at how long he was able to tolerate being on his tummy (probably because we like to do tummy time at home with him). Overall it went really well and I’d like to take him as much as I can before I go back to work. Speaking of, we only have 4 more weeks at home before I go back to work and Dylan starts daycare. Keith goes back in 2 weeks, but he’ll be starting at a new school, so he’s very excited and we’re excited for him! I hope to update again soon!!!

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