
Keira Addyson - 3 Months

Keira is 3 months today! Last night was her first full night in her crib and she slept in until 5:30am! My big girl :-) She is smiling and laughing so much more and is cooing constantly...she is definitely going to be talking over her big brother. She has been sleeping through the night consistently all month but only naps about 3-5 hours during the day. Keira also rolled over for the first time this month. She is lifting her head pretty well. She loves to stare at Dylan and is always wondering what he's doing. And when I'm holding her and using my iPhone at the same time, she likes to stare at the screen...yikes! She's starting to grasp items pretty well but still isn't in to looking at or "playing" with any toys. Keira has been drooling so much in the past week and mouthing a lot of things, so I'm wondering if she's starting teething already. We've been able to start sitting her in her Bumbo a little this month and she's tolerating tummy time more and more. I'm so happy we get to spend the summer with her and play with her all day! On to Month 4....

"Hmm, mommy are you sure it's 3?!?!"

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