
Back to work, Bluebonnets, and everything else...

Well I've been back to work for 2 weeks now and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Leaving Keira at daycare has been so easy, I feel guilty! I guess it is easier the second time around. I feel like I picked up right where I left off and I'm so ready to finish off the school year and begin our summer vacation. I've been so crazy busy these past 2 weeks, but I have 1 kid left to test, 3 reports left to write, and 5 ARDs left to hold...this has been, by far, my hardest year ever and I'm so excited to see a light at the end!

Keira has done so well at daycare, except that she likes to stay awake most of the day. Ms. Nancy says she's not a problem because she's very alert and doesn't fuss very much, but it almost guarantees a very fussy baby everyday from 5-7:30pm since she's so tired. But once she has her bath and eats, she's out pretty quickly. Dylan is still loving his little sister...he likes to give her hugs and kisses and is so excited to go pick her up from her class at school. And I'm trying to get better about having both kids by myself when Keith has to work late or on weekends (like today)...luckily Dylan is such a good helper! It's so nice to have a routine again :-)

Now here are a couple of pics from the past 2-3 weeks I haven't had a chance to share yet:
Visiting Dr. Garner with mommy!

Park day...

 Some "Mommy/Keira" pictures...

My loves :-)

1st Day of Daycare!!!

Saturday morning smiles :-)

"Mommy, this Gloworm is awesome!"

I stole this one from Keith's phone...my new fave...

And Keira's 1st bluebonnet pictures! Dylan still refuses to cooperate with me and my camera :-(

Silly girl!

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